Sunday, June 24, 2007

Hci High Oxymetazoline


Despite my current state of independent bus drivers (but based on my years of dependence and study / observation depth of the subject) I will establish the main characteristics of different specimens that inhabit colectiveril universe. I guess we all have suffered or currently suffer from what I call "human crowding" or "agglomeration under pressure": This space dilemma that affects us all (except, of course, the bus driver) and for that matter, start in hierarchical order, ie let's start with him, Mr God's Collective:


The bus:
The bus in the self-proclaimed King habitat is believed Almighty , and his kingdom (the collective) form of government is indisputable: absolute monarchy. He does not respect the rules of the road or the laws stipulated by the Government regarding the maximum number of passengers, or any other rule that seems less profitable. The more passengers, the better.
There are 2 main types of bus drivers:

young bus driver:

Phase A: (also known as) "Colettivero Tropical - In general, full of "bells and whistles" the collective, cumbia hear on the radio (in general prefer romantic cumbia: Leo Mattioli). Has hair short, dark brown with some yellow highlights shoddy, combining duck with a yellow shirt atomic (ie, yellow lightning, the retinas). His name is Cristian, Carlos and Rodrigo.

Phase B: (Also known as) "ElectroBusDriver" full of neon lights the bus, listening at medium volume punchi (In general, the radio, eg, The Metro). Has hair short, anti-gravity effect, ie hackles by large amounts of gel. Use a T-shirt, medium set, electric blue jeans with a worn print and medium large. It has several stickers pasted together at the wheel, and is likely to have a mini disco ball hanging on the glass. His name is Paul, and Eric Leonard.


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