Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Gas Stations That Sell Blunt Wraps

The girl melon

She has hair made of melon,
porcelain nose and a heart pin.

melon She sings and plays with planets, sweet tangerines
become a prophet.

melon She plays a harp paper
sitting on a bed of thick honey.

melon She learned to gamble,
learned to hate and learned to love.

melon She dreams of tassels, which become
fairies and nectarines.

melon She never learned to be quiet,
for fear of never being able to speak. She

melon always run, not walk,
just shake those little feet of cardboard.

The girl melon is all fruit,
a tangle of unresolved tasks,
She weaves melon is reality,
sometimes lost, but she believes that wins.

melon She sometimes pretends he's mine,
She sometimes thinks he is yours.
The girl melon, dancing and smiling said:
"Quereme always, before fleeing"


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