Living in holiness
See the Lord is to live in holiness, that is to live the principles and precepts of the Word of God, these principles are very different from the world.
The prosperity that the Father wants to give us is the result of an orderly life. Prosperity is not just having money, but have it, and to sit and eat in peace. God wants to bless, prosper, sobreabundarte, give much more what you expect, or want to ask, but you can not expect God to bless you and the other side to open the door to a disorderly life and the devil takes away the blessings. Do you belong to the realm of light or the kingdom of darkness?, There is no middle. If something is happening in your life, or shortage is coming into your life ask yourself if there is sin, something you should be making these causing the hand of God is removed from your life.
can not live in sin and expect God's blessing comes into your life. Keep in mind that the consequences of sin affect you and your descendants. The consequences of sin are very bitter and very long. If you server in any area of \u200b\u200bthe church have to live in holiness. You can fool everyone and believe that you make fun of them but God is not mocked. When you sin God is with you first, if you keep sinning then allows someone close to you know, if you're still, after someone from the church, but you ignore, expose you publicly. When God exposes sin is because He loves us, because the Father who loves his son will fix them and discipline. The day we sin and God does not tell you anything entristécete.
be Christians as well as attending to the cell, academia, the church is to live a righteous life before God, when none but God looks at us, that's the real you. When you have Jesus you can not hide of their presence. The intention is that the fear of God be upon you, because we are living the last time, Jesus is on the verge of coming a second time, and those who are ready will be caught, and no, they will stay.
do not want anyone to stay because they will be 7 years storm.
See the Lord is to live in holiness, who is living according to the principles and precepts of the Word of God, these principles are very different from the world. The world says you can have 2 or 3 women, if you keep them all, the Bible says that a single woman or man can have. The world says no matter if you flirt with a married man or woman (or) when I was single (o), the Bible says that if you look at a married woman or a man and lusts and beam or adulterated. We must transform our mind with the knowledge of God's word, because when you hear things in the world you start to hit, and the word of God is that you clean your mind, your soul and your heart.
Today is a day of repentance, some do not see prosperity because no sin. It is better to be cold or hot because the warm vomit God. Warm are not good enough to sin but also to serve God, warmth means that you are serving two masters, you can be in view and you can be serving God. No one can be sinning Christian and have a life of peace. God is a church, holy, without spot or wrinkle. Without holiness no man shall see the Lord. Want to see the Lord and want him to remove his face from you? We must regain that thirst and the fear of God's word. When the prodigal son sinned and came back and said, I have sinned against heaven and against you. When do we sin against God. No sin is justified. God wants to bless you more than these, but want to fix things now in your life. The Christian life is like a circus juggler, because if you look the other way you fall, but if you fall God will lift, if you confess your sin God is faithful and just to forgive, and if you confess your sin and you shall have mercy.
David sinned, adultery, and then committed murder, but what saved him was that he repented immediately, but lived a consequence, his son died and God allowed him to make a temple, because the consequences of sin are bitter. You are going to suffer for doing good or bad you do decide it is better to suffer for doing good. No one who loves you asks you to do wrong. Parents care for their children, who speak with those who walk, to the visitors, who are your friends because if they do not put limits, life is going to hurt. But if you have taught will be happy.
When you as a parent decide to cut that generational curse, this ensuring a blessing to your children. God wants to bless you, prosper you, but you do it your way. You can have fun without sin and pleasing to God
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