know the extraordinary value that men have for God, There is no money in the world to describe what a true man to God, and we want to give and show to the people of Costa Rica that value.
We have a fabulous goal to win men to Christ and Impact families and neighborhoods with the power of the love of Jesus. As Makers have a goal of 800 men by June 2010, but as a generation we have a bold goal that God has placed in the spirit of our Leader, 500 men by June 2010.
Sound impossible? perhaps, but we understand that now serve the God of the impossible, the God who is a specialist in IMPOSSIBLE, GOD DOES NOT MEET GOD ........ AMAZING.
and your man that you are reading this blog, welcome to this blog created by God to bless your life and take hope. if you need an answer from God will be an honor to serve you and help you. if you want to be part of those 500, please contact us.
8356-2548 Cristian Campos Reyes Lester
8858-4812 8879-1001 Victor Hernández Manuel Brenes
8823-1075 8376-2767
8302 - 0826 Peter Rojas
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