thing half a year ago that the first images and trailer of this film first came to light, since then hundreds of people categorized as a copy of Twilight , a crude imitation of one of the highest grossing franchise of the decade with the sole intention of raising money off a fad, I defended myself, I did it again and again, because I felt that it was not fair to condemn a movie without ever seeing the light for the simple fact of having the same director as another. After having fought with more than one I can say that Little Red Riding Hood is not at all una copia de Crepúsculo .
El sábado pasado acudí a mi cita ineludible al cine. La sala estaba casi vacía, y entre los pocos espectadores casi todos eran adolescentes o recientes adolescentes como yo, unos acompañados de sus padres y otros en pandilla. Agradezco que sala del cine estuviera vacía, ya que las salas abarrotadas de niñatos suelen ser algo molestas y le quitan ambiente a algunas películas como esta particularmente.
Caperucita Roja reinventa el mito infantil y lo acerca a sus verdaderos orígenes oscuros y macabros, porque aunque muchos la critiquen por haber destrozado el cuento clásico, todo ellos están más que equibocados, la Caperucita Roja original was not nearly as cakes we believe, that is the great error, the story had originally intended (like most stories) to scare the children and teach them what they should and should not be do, if you seek something quite curious about the original story and I assure you that will surprise you.
The atmosphere of this film is very successful, visually is like a dark fairy tale that details the life of its own and in which after every shade or tree you can find something mysterious and dark, so introduce setting in this village get lost in the woods in the cold wind with no problem. A good point in his favor without a doubt.
Dress is IN-CRE-I-BLE, very handmade and customized for each character, the red layer of Valery, the protagonist, but impractical for camouflage in the forest, a wonder that many would like to have in our closet .
The film is a commercial product loaded with intrigue, whose interest lies in discovering the mystery of who is the werewolf in the village, very well handled mystery throughout the story, as the list of possible candidates with more teeth that extensive. I bet with a friend of mine which of the characters was the werewolf, and now I owe you an ice cream, so do not put your trust, but as I'm very bad hahaha (evil laughter), I'll give you a clue ....... is the most obvious and the least you would think ..... there you have it.
Next to the bloody and mysterious story of the gigantic wolf attacks the village develops forced love triangle starring Valery, Henry Peter the woodcutter and blacksmith. Valery has a lifetime love of Peter (aka deep eyes and cocky smile), but her parents have agreed with Henry (aka piece of bread, hard working and hauntingly beautiful), but as Valery is a maverick seems to be innate and half-blind (to see the piece of guy who is Henry) is angry mutters in his room in front of him because he will not married (this scene is one of the best, by the face of circumstances of the poor blacksmith who does not know what to do, if you get the hell out the door or climb up after her), starts from a tug of war between the three last Practically the whole movie, that if Henry punches Peter, if Peter tries to get jealous Valery, if Henry tries to woo ...... Valery scenes are adapting to events and make the film more interesting but I must say that the relationship between Henry and Valery could have taken more advantage.
In this film there are some interpretations that stand out among the others, like Valery's grandmother, played to perfection by Julie Christie, and Solomon's father, played with great force and a little creepy by Gary Oldman, but my favorite is undoubtedly Max Irons, son of Jeremy Irons, and Henry plays with elegance and ease.
A curious fact I must say that at no time is the transformation of the werewolf, which helps give the feeling magical and out of the ordinary, but the appearance of the werewolf in this film is very similar to metamorphs in the Twilight Saga , but a little scary.
The soundtrack has been a success, frankly, I love, is imbued with all the atmosphere dark and wild movie, especially the song The wolf of Fever Day.
No doubt this film will mark a before and after in the new versions of stories made into movies soon.
personally recommend it, because I was offered everything it promised and even left me wanting more wolves and full moons.
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