After seeing this film a second time, I've realized how much precious dialogue contains some extremely deep, wrenching and other direct and some of the most philosophical. I have taken more than a tear, and I liked so much that I decided to make an entry with which I felt were the best, which better reflect the mixed feelings of the protagonists, who are torn between honor and love, two very powerful forces that move the world, and among them may be hard to choose. Enjoy them.

"" Tristan knew that ours is impossible, we knew from the start, that does not mean it's not true, what's it, is impossible, I know you're alive somewhere and that occasionally think of me, I know that there is more to this life and if they kill you I can not ever know, please "(Tristan + Isolde )
" "And I live in torture thinking at the time, with every glance from her I get sick, eats me a feeling of guilt I can not get away, "it makes you happy?" (Tristan + Isolde )
"" There other things to live for, duty, honor.
"Not life, are the husks of life, and will be empty if all they contain are days and days without love, love was created by God, ignore it and suffer as never imaginareis.
"Then do not go on living without him." (Tristan + Isolde )
"" You know I love you Tristan, wherever go, see what you see, you'll always be
"You were right, do not know if life is greater than death, but love was better than both" (Tristan + Isolde )
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