It had been a while not conducted any reviews of movies, so here goes one. A few days ago I went to the movies with a couple of friends to see Harry Potter And Deathly Hallows , location: three people (including me) and totally empty movie theater empty!
absolute freedom to yell at the screen and ask and talk as much as possible, result: I'm hoarse today, is how bad it is yell compliments to Ron for almost two hours, lol
realized I had not seen the movie until it started earlier and was more lost than the ship of rice, yet more or less, and thanks to that I was constantly asking my friends "why this?" and "Why do that?" I could follow and make sense of it, luckily no one else in cinema.
This movie is for fans who have read the books or people who have seen all the movies, but you will be super lost.
The film has a fairly fast pace at first, but at about half becomes a bit slow, but once in a while back with a breathtaking chase scenes, because that's what Harry and cia are thrown by the whole the film, run, hide and run away again, it's over Hogwarts, and no more colorful uniforms, almost the entire film elapses between the Ministry of Magic and forests.
special effects of course, have no complaint, nor did the costumes, which highlights a beautiful wedding dress, and do not tell you who gets married.
If you have a paste, if you can call strikes, are the number of dead who are in this movie, more people die in war, but of course, is that the film takes a genuine war of wizards, killing characters that even sospecharÃais, and some of them were not even given a scene to say, just say you are dead, and that's it!, super tacky, I think that instead of so much dance-scene between Hermione and Harry, or Harry eating much coconut, should have granted a little time to those fallen, surely you've seen the film know who I mean.
The interpretations, Ginny, sosÃsima death, Harry, as always, does not evolve or obligations, and the big surprise was that Ron, my favorite character, which is somewhat more mature me, away from his friends goofy stereotype and innocent.
is a very good movie, where the originality of magic sprinkles the movie theater and get that for a moment think that really is there, the atmosphere and scenery are beautiful, strange and mesmerizing, one can say that the saga Harry Potter has established a style difficult to copy, in which ordinary objects are mixed with the strangest, shapes, colors and patterns impossible.
highly recommended film and an end of those that leave you stuck to the seat, poor Dumblerdor!
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