While my aunt was talking to them in the classroom, I willingly and trying to get away as possible from them, made some coffee.
Grande was my distress when I realized that my aunt Petra did not have a coffee, so I had to make coffee ingeniármelas old-fashioned for the first time in my life.
The result was somewhat poor, but acceptable. To compensate for the bitter and strong flavor of the liquid, fill to top a dish with pastry and sweets.
The guests put their best faces lying wildly about the taste. Just over half drank cup instead disappeared pasta dish. After quench their voracious appetites, they went to attack questions.
- How go with my dress? - Dita asked with great enthusiasm.
The woman gave the impression of not having matured and have been forever in adolescence.
"I drew something, but I have to review it.
- Nonsense!, Teach what you have, it sure is beautiful, "the authoritative tone of Freda began to seem a bit annoying.
I climbed on my notebook. When my hands were in his sketch pad, released nervous giggles among them while scrutinizing the paintings with their bright eyes.
passed back and forth several times the two pages that had drawn the dresses and compared. Both whispered and pointed finger to the paper. It was a strange feeling to pass a test on my real job two strangers, as if his brief opinion depended on the world.
-Dita is wonderful-determined.
"You certainly plenty of talent," added Freda.
Aunt Petra looked at me proudly, straightening his back.
"But," Freda frowned, "why you've done two dresses?
, not two, is the same but in two different colors. I did not know which decant, so I decided that what you chose.
"Certainly the black-Freda closed the block and put it on the table" We should take it to the seamstress- added.
"I think a good idea," agreed Aunt Petra.
-The author of the artwork should accompany. Freda nailed his round and brown eyes on me. It seemed to conceal a dark background after his side kept sweet and perfect small-town image. Unexpectedly
Dita extended his arm and grabbed my wrist.
"Please come with us tomorrow," she pleaded.I could not do more than nod. If they were to give life to my work, it would be better than I was before. The conversation took paths that did not interest me too, so I avoided me while I took a sip my cup of bitter coffee.
- Querida?
Frida's voice pierced my ears.
- Yes?apparently tried to focus.
"I wondered if you come to the feast of beer.
- Beer Day? What's that? - I asked. The guests opened their eyes bewildered at my misinformation. Certainly expected that half of my family tree in the village knew all or almost all of it, but the truth is I was pretty lost on some issues of folklore and popular festivals.
"The day of beer is one of the most important festivals in this town," Freda glanced approvingly at his sister Dita-clear after a day of the wolf."But what happens the day of beer? - Carefully leave the cup of cold coffee on the table. Petra
My aunt was quick to explain."All the inns and taverns are one or two barrels to city hall and the beer distributed free to all citizens.
- Is that all? - Seemed rather short to be an important day for them."Of course not, there is also music and dancing," she hastened to add Dita.
I could imagine a mob of drunken legs as tanks scariest looking ridiculous.- When is this party? - Had to know all that remained to enjoy the show and suffer in silence.
-This Friday-was quick to answer my aunt.
"In two days, Dita pointed with his usual spontaneity and liveliness in his little black eyes, which he feared he could never get used.