I pointed the car contests, and I decided to make my first contest blogger.
The book giveaway is a copy personally bought The Book of Shadows few belonging to the saga The Sword of Truth SPECIAL EDITION, written by Terry Goodking.
A fantasy adventure book super fun, and it is based on the famous television series called The Legend of the Seeker .

If you join and you feel curious to read, what you must do:
Send an email to: rinconscarlett@hotmail.com , with the subject: HUNTER,
you have a deadline of November 29 to send your mail.
To participate is required to be a follower of this blog (rinconderelatos) and prove it in the mail by assigning the direction of your blogger profile so you can check. The competition is national.
'll have extra points (ballots) if:
you put the banner on your blog contest (2 points) (Add address in the mail so I can check)
You do an entry on your blog contest (4 points ) (Add inthe mail address so you can check)
The competition will be through the legendary method: hatful of ballot papers and innocent hand lol.
I will contact the relevant @ r Make to yourselves to give me your data, so I do not have to bear in the email.
If you have any questions send me an email with the SUBJECT: SEARCH DOUBT, and try solucionárosla.
PS: If you do not participate more than 5 people will cancel the comcurso or postpones
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