Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Funny Wedding Invites To Friends

The Mona Lisa's life on the space station

¿Se han preguntado cómo será la vida en una estación espacial?
Vivir una temporada confinado en un espacio cerrado conviviendo siempre con las mismas personas (No recomendable para neuróticos ni claustrofóbicos). Comiendo comida industrializada que sacrifica el sabor y la textura a cambio de la durabilidad. (¿No extrañarán una torta, taco o hamburguesa?)
Y el hecho de saber que estás a kilómetros de tus lugares y seres queridos y lo estarás por un tiempo.
A cambio de estas incomodidades tienes el privilegio de ver nuestro planeta desde muy arriba. Disfrutar vistas que few have been lucky enough to see.
For me the most interesting would physically feel the absence of gravity. Free-floating power to transport you from one place to another. Almost like flying. Get used to let the small things will always be subject or fly. Definitely a world of new sensations, which I would feel awkward at first, but over time, once dominated the way they move, it would be very enjoyable. And to think that the earth's surface again miss that feeling of freedom. Not be tied to the gravity pull me stressing to the floor. Anyway. If someday I know I will enjoy space floating. And if I can take my family, even better. (The lack of gravity and excess of imagination I do see a number of possibilities. Wow!)


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