Orfeo, III, Desire. Orfeo
Orfeo gods and dogs seduces night with his lyre, with his singing: his art. Darkness descends and lights.
No amount of beauty to beauty (path of reason, Platonic eros), descends to the beauty of beauty.
In the abstract to the concrete, from light to darkness.
also to the source:
A promise.
Descent to the archaic, through the human unconscious desire to recover Eurydice: otherness. Beauty.
The meeting of love: the unit.
I lost.
I gather the edges of the duality of the wound: I-Thou, sleep-waking, life and death ... Duality
nonconceptual, preconceptual:
wound of desire.
Desire impossible or impossible as desire. As an extreme possibility, MI.
The gap is opened if possible:
source, spring.
Crack for reason and openness to the desire, the desire to crack the opacity of the right.
Euridice, freedom from hell, is a gift from the gods, or demons to Orpheus.
a gift to its finitude: conditioned.
Orpheus must not look until you emerge from the shadows, until you are in the earthly light.
Such grace: that the law of the gift. Mystery
duty inbred all pleasure.
law or condition, the other on mine.
The other me.
Nobody can see God and live, say the biblical prophets, into the light of the gods without burning as Semele knew when he fell struck down with the consent of her lover Zeus to show his glory.
Nobody can go through hell without departing convicted, learns and teaches us Orpheus.
Orpheus, who charmed gods, now is seduced by him, another god: objectivity.
the idol of this
What possession.
logic, knowledge known only presences, presences represented dominated
that, unlike the ear, does not capture absences
not know possible.
what is heard comes, viewed from another.
The ear receives, look imposing.
See what it is, what he has, and loses the gift will be.
Look back at the shadow that follows, the substantive representation: image.
imaginary, symbolic, Lacan warn.
Peril, no face. Act of representation: objectifying reflection.
assimilation. Register
crust of the concept that no longer flows:
edge without overflowing.
Scar, no groove.
paralyzing fear: substantivation of tense: safety. Presence
exhausted present.
Light without lightning, without
pit irreducible. His overflowing self. Orfeo
ultimately wants the presence of Eurydice the other, without its otherness of absence.
the other without the other self.
"Poetics of emptiness" of Hugo Mujica.
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