Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Nightmare Campus Episode 1 Tv

Hellmann's mayonnaise MARKET THE ONLY SPONSORED BY SATAN. The heterogeneous but tight

anyone ever paid attention to the label of a product? I myself am observadoramente maniacally obsessive compulsive extremely visual analytics, do it all the time. Dada is to be played for a while, take the object to another context, decontextualized food environment / supermecadero and analyze deeply to inquire about what we say (because they always say something: "I'M NOT LIKE OTHERS, I AM BETTER" "Buy me, I'm cheap," "DO NOT WANT TO INVEST IN MY", etc.)

But this package was telling me more than I had imagined:

Ok, analyze: Not too difficult, break the name:


Hell = Hell
Man = Man
N's = No Salvation

If we add to this the oddest COLOR and more whitish yellow bit in the package, I believe we are entering a dangerous question: What kind of message we are giving Hellmann's? "What comes in is mayonnaise or Jehovah's Witness made mayonnaise? If like many I'm going to hell?

Behold, for you, a picture of the Hellmann's real, its true:

"the only Hellmann's mayonnaise and nutrient components made of humans, the only pro-Satan mayonnaise market. Ideal for those sandwiches are going to eat after burn the church in your neighborhood. "


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