Saturday, December 1, 2007
Syringoma Before And After
Eros and Thanatos
can love infinitely, pretending to be other, pretending to be different in other bodies and hiding ...
(who cheat, eh?)
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leaned back a moment, contemplative, almost absent, almost autistic.
he was surrounded by life, static life, disguised as a cheap ornament.
she was, curled up and asleep, unprotected ... Eternally it in a language that ethereal and incomprehensible to most (except for them) had been proclaimed with pride, reason of the existence of all beings.
could not be other than she turned into an absolute demon and essential. As ubiquitous as
death, as scary as the loss, as puzzling as conflicting. So unique and yes, why not? So beautifully detestable. A pale flesh oxymoron.
was it, a bunch of anger, passion, hatred and sin more, but was hers, had been his almost 20 minutes, was only yours ...
Sunday, August 26, 2007 - Userseite - La_winemouse
Know if you are postmodern enough to be inserted into the postmodern society in a satisfactory way:
your partner is attracted:
a) The body, obviously. I like when you wiggle reggaeton and everything decays / a.
b) Nothing, because of alcohol ended up dating him / her.
c) His intellectual world is re nerd and I love to be antisocial.
d) Your Money.
e) His character, says bullshit but with attitude.
f) Still not found / I have no partner.
2) If you do not have a partner is because:
a) I'm so self-centered and narcissistic that I can not devote so much valuable time to another.
b) I'm lazy.
c) I washed the grass of the mate.
d) Do not know what "partner" and do not know how to use the dictionary.
e) My dog \u200b\u200bhas not yet agreed to my proposal, but I'm at it.
f) I'm too beautiful to have a partner, I need to divide my time at all / you my fans.
3) Your favorite drink on nights out is:
a) Gin Tonic / Gancia beat / Sparkling wine.
b) Beer / Beer /
c) Water
d) melon liqueur Speed \u200b\u200b/ Speed \u200b\u200bwith tequila / Speed \u200b\u200bwith vodka.
e) Terma Serrano.
f) Vodka / Geneva / Whisky / Tequila / Ron
g) Anything (once I took kerosene).
4) When you watch TV, you see?:
a) and Cosmopolitan TV Fashion TV.
b) Utilisima Satellite / Discovery / CartoonNetwork / PeopleandArts /
Cinemax / Eurochannel / I-sat
c) Playboy / Venus
d) All spent in Sony, E! And Warner Channel.
e) channel Animal Planet and Chile.
5) How many times a day you look in the mirror about?
a) More than 80 times, I have a mirror on each wall of the house and watching me as I'm walking, next month I put a mirror on the ceiling, looking at me from above as well ... In the floor can? I will find out.
b) Between 3 and 10 times a day, I consider it necessary to check if I'm presentable.
c) Between 20 and 30 times per day, and when I walk I see my reflection in the glass business to make sure I'm still beautiful.
d) Once I said 3 times in the mirror: "CUCOMAN CUCOMAN CUCOMAN" and nothing happened. Just did not understand the question ... I told my friend bought a gold bag?
e) I do not look, I covered the mirrors in cardboard I am thinking of hiding in the closet.
6) If you could be an object, what object would it be?
a) clothing or an accessory ... (I used to much)
b) A fruit or food ... (So \u200b\u200bbite me, I'm a masochist)
c) An instrument ... (For me them.)
e) A poster, picture, painting, etc ... (I look for).
f) A book (to try to play me)
g) A song (I listen to and / or dance with me)
7) If you drop an old street, you:
a) did not understand the question.
b) He runs out and buys 1kg of potatoes.
c) Wait a while, look around and see if anyone else has to help the lady, and if not, help.
d) is thrown to the floor and pretends to sleep.
e) Immediately run to the aid of the lady with the face of Superman.
f) Shake.
8) How are your friends?
a) Equal to me why I chose them, are so beautiful and popular as me.
b) Some like me, different ones, I have mixed groups of friends.
c) Poor and dirty.
d) I have friends, I have a dog.
9) One of his dreams might be:
a) Have a mansion, a couple of Ferraris, a couple of exotic animals, and parties every night.
b) Have eternal alcohol and party every night.
c) Get married, have children, and devote myself to cook or work.
d) Being famous / ay travel around the world.
e) Stir with Ricky Maravilla.
10) His idol is:
a) Paris Hilton
b) Lia Crucet
c) Charly García
d) Madonna
e) Splinter
Posmo besetting Sos TAN:
you like baby pink, white and you did not miss an episode of "Sex in the City." You are informed about the latest in fashion and you meet the designers memory, taking advantage of time to name them and prove that your hours of Fashion TV paid off. Listening to electronic music, technical / dance / house at all times, and if you want to relax you listen to Chill Out. Dj Tiesto adore (but adored by Dj Dero), you will see Soda (probably already have your ticket) and obviously you will not lose Creamfields! Yclaro that you take your mineral water and jump like a mad cornalitos all day. You have 2 friends and 20 known to those masks and I call "friends" but never hit it. Your words / catch phrase is: "Obviously," "love," "I", "infartante" or superlatives such as "mega" "re-re." Studies tourism / marketing / hotel / fashion design / graphic design / pr and would like to make a bartending course. Your dream is to travel around the world and go from party to party. Your place is Ibiza. Your ideal names are: Corinne, Emily, Thomas, Luciana, Romina or Delfina. You do not like the books because they have too much text, prefer magazines: Cosmopolitan, Vogue, etc.. Your favorite movies are Hollywood, preferably featuring some famous actor Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Keanu Reeves. Most
b and g)
You do not have a fucking Posmo:
hate the baby pink, white and pastel colors. Never came up with the money to buy a pill of ecstasy or so I prefer the cheap vodka or the worst, the wine box. Hate Babasónicos, retro sunglasses, oversized striped clothes. Your dream is to have money to go out on weekends and buy lots of cheap vodka, buy a car or a motorcycle, and new equipment for the viola / bass. You may not study, and if you study, the races are likely Philosophy / Sociology / History / Art / etc. Your ideal names are: Matthew, Alexander, Mary, Florence, Paula, Paul and Rodrigo. Your music is rock, metal, grunge and reggae. Your favorite movies are the funny / bizarre / terror and where higher aposmodernismo: The Films of Porcel and Olmedo, rocker Paolo idolize and dress all their videos on youtube. You do not like romantic movies. Your place where there is any alcohol, music you like and have a couple of friends. I like the high contrast in all aspects of your life and in all areas (read: clothes, food, affection, etc.).. As a kid you played a lot of the family, and they burn the toes of both press the joystick button. I you have a phobia of peas. Eras fana or Robotech Mazinger.
Most e) d)
Postmodern're not, you're RARE:
're weird, there's not much to say, I like what I most dislike. You do not do what the majority do not know if by default or by simple innate oddity. If all you listen you hear pop folklore. If you use you all wear pink orange and green. The races that you choose are the least popular: Naval Engineering, Agronomy, or may even get to enlist in the force area. Coya you have a canary yellow hat, a striped scarf in different colors every so often you put on stockings bizarre colors (different pairs). You have a rare pet (iguana, spider, duck, frog, mosquito, bat, etc) and you put names singers or writers, and you probably have a duck African dwarf called "Emanuelito Kant." Prefer to walk to use public transportation (not to mention car, you do not have, not only because it reaches the physical capital income but also because they have a means of transportation, prefer a skateboard). I like movies rather under, the French independent cinema, Senegalese, Iraqi and Moroccan.
c) f): You're half postmodern
postmodern're a small piece, but not much. If there is to be postmodern to fit you put a little care and you're able to change that shirt taupe a blue shirt, or even green, but pink ... baby? A drastic change, we must think about it first (you also hope that you have ever becomes fashionable blue) You're like a living amoeba overactive to try to capture the line of civilized society trying to keep some beliefs (few ) personal. Sometimes you think you should have been born in another time because obviously IS NOT IT IS. Sometimes you're weird, sometimes you're postmodern, you're sometimes romantic, sometimes realistic, like you do not lock you into any category, you're afraid of hard tags and try to jump on subculture subculture achieved without any catch you (warning: you going to be without power for both jumping and you will be thrown in a subculture in the least want to get caught, OJO)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
What Color Corsage For Gold Dress
then muniekiano fruit horoscope. How much animal, planet, constellation, let us everyday, the concrete!:
1st January to 1st March: Orange
March 2 to May 2, Melon
May 3 to 3 July: Kiwi
July 4 to September 4: Mandarina
September 5 to November 5: Apple
... November 6 to December 6: Pera
Yours is vitamin C and your mission in world is becoming orange juice to strengthen young children and fight the flu. Do you like jokes about Galicia, orange vodka, beer and Sprite. Your color is orange (forgive the redundancy, if you do not became clear: ORANGE). Your favorite scent is the hot pizza. Rial hate and Tota Santillán. If you were a food you'd make a ham cannelloni. Melons fuck you, you fall in love madly with pears, but it always ends with mandarins. In your next life you were bald. Trauma of guy you because your mom wanted you did not buy the shoes Nubeluz. You look in the mirror and you put face model. Always wanted to be a garbage collector. Your dream is to play ping pong with Gerardo Romano.
Your mission is indefenida, some say it is: those who want to sweeten sweetened, others say it is becoming the subject of holiday packages, accompanying the fetitas ham. You like Chinese jokes, tequila melon liqueur, Coca Zero and cherry tomatoes. You make all the fruits social and for having, you're hyper-sociable at times, and at times Rhodes awkwardly hermit. Pears fuck you are terribly incomprehensible and unclassifiable, but always ends amigándote with them, your love is impossible kiwifruit (about size, saw). Trauma of guy you because your mother would not buy the Yo-Yo Xuxa that came with makeup and perfumito. You dance in front of the mirror and you go 12 laps before sleep (lr-lr-lr-lr-lr-lr-l). Ever wanted to be Susan. Your dream is to play Atari with Nacha Guevara.
Kiwi : Sos
fighter, brave boy!, Yours is vitamin C and your mission in the world is gaining price as possible. You hate to oranges because they are popular (and less vitamin C than you!) And bland (you have hairs and you're green inside.) Are you afraid of the Epilady (afraid of losing your identity.) Your dream is to drive a Ferrari and learn to DJ Tiesto. At parties like being the center of attention, and you easily Fortified. Your favorite drink is the lemoncello. Well you get along with melons, you fall in love madly with pears, but if you make the changes difficult mandarins. Your father never took you to the circus because the clowns said they would want to eat. You say you're abroad, but were born in Maipú, a Bolivian shack. You like Hellmann's mayonnaise. Trauma when you dream with your grandmother in garter. Your dream is to buy a sulky yellow, with ponies and go out with Gianola.
Mandarina :
're a / a despot in power, you like giving orders, you're screwed / o. Yours is the best option (and cheaper) of the common people of Argentina. Evita're the fruit. Do you like jokes about Chileans and Mexicans. Are you afraid to eggs. Mirás secretly Cosmopolitan and Fashion TV. Your favorite drink is the Terma Serrano. Your mother was a Rhodesia, and trauma you to find out. Always wanted to have an apple as best friend, but they are all about gouaches and you settle for whatever comes. When you see them hit pears, because. Do not you like to be bossed around, you like to give them. I would like to have an army of radishes. When no one sees you, imitate Alexandra Rampolla. Eras chairperson of the Club de Antonio Rios fans. Your dream is to play shuffleboard with David Coperfield.
Apple :
're passive, kind, sympathetic and compliant. Your mission is to conquer the world, quietly. Never banks or pears or mandarin oranges, or melons, but disregard it and do as I do, because everything is Utilisima warmth, and Kung Fu and Tai Chi ... and that. Are you afraid to Robocop and weep when you saw Terminator. Always wanted to be slim, but never came (it can not give the tape, it is irreversible yours). Listen to Cristian Castro and Enrique Iglesias and dancing to "Rain falls on me ... slowly, who cares, if you'm happy AY AY AY AY Ayay I'M IN LOVE" (aia, memandealfrentecomoloca). Your favorite magazine is "Faces" and amuse you lot watching Lucho Avilés. Ever wanted to go out with a kiwi police, but no. You're addicted to contraceptives (thomas up to 5 per day) and you like the smell of the garages. Do you want a pet bug. Your dream is to have a floating cloud like Goku.
Pera :
're rare, sooo RARA. No one understands you, but do not care (or other). Escabullís you're slippery and easily. Sos complex. I like to go out with a melon but never found with the times, you hate to mandarins but not know why. When nobody sees you, you do break dance. I like the smell of kerosene. Plancharías you if you had hair. Trauma because your dad you would not buy the Lego pirate ship, or the GI-Joe you wanted. You did not like the Muppets because they were too color. As a kid you were president of the fan club of Bobby Goma. Never understood what it meant: "intransigent" and "unimpeachable." I like the word "sweet." I like humor black and Woody Allen movies. When you walk count the number of blocks that you do. Are you afraid of the Kiwis. Sos exhibitionist and night work as a stripper at a nightclub. Your dream is to move next to Edgar Volcan, and make the small step of jackals.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Syllabus For Cpa Part 2
The text was so afraid of being exposed, which began to disappear in front of the reader ...
nt t The text was afraid of being exposed, which began in front Recer des p l reader ... Lt
ní t nt t xt me do sto xpu sr, fr qu nt mp ll Zó dsprcr ctor ...
lt xt t it t me nt DSR Xpu st Qu MP zdsprcr fr nt ll ct r. ..
t xt t it t me nt DSR Xpu Wed, MP zdsprcr fr qu nt ct r. ..
x n it with my DSR Xpu Qu MP zdsprcr FR NC r. ..
xnnmdsr Xpu s qu nc mp zdsprcr fr r. ..
xnnmsr Xpu s qu nc mp zsprcr fr r. ..
Xm Xpu sr s c en zsprcr mp that r. ..
XMSR xp s, q c mp zsprcr en r. ..
xms xp s, q mp zspcfc ...
xm xp, q mp zpcfc ...
Xmx, qmzcfc ...
x m x , m c f c ...
x m x , m f ...
x m x , m
x x ,
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Gas Stations That Sell Blunt Wraps
She has hair made of melon,
porcelain nose and a heart pin.
melon She sings and plays with planets, sweet tangerines
become a prophet.
melon She plays a harp paper
sitting on a bed of thick honey.
melon She learned to gamble,
learned to hate and learned to love.
melon She dreams of tassels, which become
fairies and nectarines.
melon She never learned to be quiet,
for fear of never being able to speak. She
melon always run, not walk,
just shake those little feet of cardboard.
The girl melon is all fruit,
a tangle of unresolved tasks,
She weaves melon is reality,
sometimes lost, but she believes that wins.
melon She sometimes pretends he's mine,
She sometimes thinks he is yours.
The girl melon, dancing and smiling said:
"Quereme always, before fleeing"
Nightmare Campus Episode 1 Tv
anyone ever paid attention to the label of a product? I myself am observadoramente maniacally obsessive compulsive extremely visual analytics, do it all the time. Dada is to be played for a while, take the object to another context, decontextualized food environment / supermecadero and analyze deeply to inquire about what we say (because they always say something: "I'M NOT LIKE OTHERS, I AM BETTER" "Buy me, I'm cheap," "DO NOT WANT TO INVEST IN MY", etc.)
But this package was telling me more than I had imagined:
Ok, analyze: Not too difficult, break the name:
Hell = Hell
Man = Man
N's = No Salvation (?)
If we add to this the oddest COLOR and more whitish yellow bit in the package, I believe we are entering a dangerous question: What kind of message we are giving Hellmann's? "What comes in is mayonnaise or Jehovah's Witness made mayonnaise? If like many I'm going to hell?
Behold, for you, a picture of the Hellmann's real, its true:

"the only Hellmann's mayonnaise and nutrient components made of humans, the only pro-Satan mayonnaise market. Ideal for those sandwiches are going to eat after burn the church in your neighborhood. "
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Hci High Oxymetazoline
Despite my current state of independent bus drivers (but based on my years of dependence and study / observation depth of the subject) I will establish the main characteristics of different specimens that inhabit colectiveril universe. I guess we all have suffered or currently suffer from what I call "human crowding" or "agglomeration under pressure": This space dilemma that affects us all (except, of course, the bus driver) and for that matter, start in hierarchical order, ie let's start with him, Mr God's Collective:
The bus in the self-proclaimed King habitat is believed Almighty , and his kingdom (the collective) form of government is indisputable: absolute monarchy. He does not respect the rules of the road or the laws stipulated by the Government regarding the maximum number of passengers, or any other rule that seems less profitable. The more passengers, the better.
There are 2 main types of bus drivers:
young bus driver:
Phase A: (also known as) "Colettivero Tropical - In general, full of "bells and whistles" the collective, cumbia hear on the radio (in general prefer romantic cumbia: Leo Mattioli). Has hair short, dark brown with some yellow highlights shoddy, combining duck with a yellow shirt atomic (ie, yellow lightning, the retinas). His name is Cristian, Carlos and Rodrigo.
Phase B: (Also known as) "ElectroBusDriver" full of neon lights the bus, listening at medium volume punchi (In general, the radio, eg, The Metro). Has hair short, anti-gravity effect, ie hackles by large amounts of gel. Use a T-shirt, medium set, electric blue jeans with a worn print and medium large. It has several stickers pasted together at the wheel, and is likely to have a mini disco ball hanging on the glass. His name is Paul, and Eric Leonard.
Dexlansoprazol Europe
... Between us, now that we are not seen, I'll confess:
I have the left foot half crooked.
I HATE touching arms.
I sleep when I touch your hair.
When it rains, wear face splash and Teletubbies.
NEVER go out without even wear eyeliner and a little shade.
I love going to the Chinese market, chinotear.
Sometimes when I cook, I look at the imaginary camera.
unworthy when I rise in price of fruit.
I become friends for a bit of people-cirujas-of-the-station-de-constitution.
I have a gift to be liked ladies / mothers.
In winter I sleep with 4 blankets, and in summer with 2. I have
fuchsia slippers.
always wanted a Harley.
dance in the elevator.
won the annual award of the 2005 women's increased intake of alcohol.
won the annual award of the 2007 women's lower intake of alcohol.
always wanted to ride in the back of a garbage truck with Mr. gatherers.
I do not know cycling.
I'm the queen of the TEG (but always lost)
I have a fear of sheep.
and phobia of moths.
prefer to sit on the floor to chair.
My dad is like Sergio Denis.
rasta I have a friend.
I get to talk to the old at bus stops.
I still gay.
Sometimes I get the hot water bag to bed to warm my feet.
When I first came to a house (and I can) I open the fridge, for mobs.
I love tall men with long hair, since I was little.
I like the nails.
Dolina When I saw I was scared about.
Xuxa never liked me.
'm addicted to Coke Zero.
I marry Peter Tagtgren (regardless of the fact that there is Pain, yuck)
Friday, June 22, 2007
Hide Bulimia Your Parents
Eternal return be
endless cycles eternally full of objects and subjects very finite, very mortal and ephemeral.
Everything is so ephemeral when one is aware of the universal time, farther from our time so absurdly human.
as futile Eternity, eternity beyond time, beyond
, no matter how long ...
Sometimes I become an oxymoron.
And sometimes pretend not to understand me with you to see it cut violent blood synecdoche crudely exposed here, as I can.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Chicken Pox Spots Pic
words, phrases and terms to be claim:
- Recórcholis. exclamatory expression of intent that can accompany phrases like: "Recórcholis, I lost my beret"
- Patotero (mixture of duck and uterus) (?) / Fighter / That has great legs and a uterus.
- Buscaroña / Rowdy: Fighter (Commonly used decades ago)
- Woodcock: (Commonly used phrases like "Oh, I'm pussy!") Synonym for "happy" "happy"
- Canteen. object used to safely transport certain liquids (No, not the stomach ... or anything else)
- Splash. It is said the act of paddling. Jump in puddles when it rains.
- Shake . It is said the act shake, shake your hips to the rhythm of music.
- coconut. coconut tree. Usually used in the expression: "Get off the palm, crazy!" (?)
Calvo : Carlin.
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BLOGGIANA AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, this is an interlude decontextualizing, breaking content structures kicking!
recently discovered aspects of the basic food for my spiritual development, and I have the imperative to share with you:
- The green apple is always better.
- There is a grocery store open 24 am to 18 blocks from home.
- The Chinese markets are neighborhood stores as the "ARLIST" coffee "The brunette."
- A super 280cc cup of coffee takes to boil in the microwave (a predetermined average power) exactly 2mins 20sec
- A super 280cc cup of tea takes to boil in the microwave (on average poencia default) exactly 2mins 06sec.
- A Mandarin can be opened without a knife (90% of the time, no fucking mandarins)
- apples of 1.50 x1kg not want or worms.