Finally I could see one of the movies that had been waiting longer, Beastly is almost an urban legend, everyone knows about it, but nobody has seen.
AND WHY?, Because in Spain they have decided not to release, HOW?! What?! certainly more than one you might be wondering, yeah, and of course, is that not released, although officially he had dated, the official website of the film has gone (as if by magic) and no explanation given some on the subject.
I have seen the film through a wonderful page downloads, thanks to which thousands of people will have access to the culture that the producers or god knows who have been denied by deciding not to release the film here. Now that the issue of Sinley Act is so warm, I have something to say, and that closing the download page and watching movies is only the limiting access to culture, because the movies and series TV culture also assumes that we are free to access it, but if we close these pages, we have no option to do so, because to be clear, just get good foreign television series on our channels, and if they do, at times impossible in there is hardly any audience, and therefore you end up removing them and leaving a broadcast medium, and on the other side is the theme of the films that did not even come brand new in our country as has happened with Beastly, is that now I have no right to see them?, if anyway not going to be projected in theaters or on DVD are going to trade, what economic damage they do watching it online?, I had every intention of seeing this film in theaters because I knew I was good, why deny me the opportunity?, if people are not going to the movies is because maybe the movies that there are not worthwhile, or because maybe the tickets are too expensive to go see all the movies that you want to see, and I certainly do not think buying a DVD movie (whose price can also speak) without knowing if I like it or not.
Here ends the impromptu speech, which I think is a more lengthened account. Let's go to the movie.
Beastly simply exceeded the book, whose criticism you have
here, which tells the story of a teenager rich, popular and extremely attractive, that mocks all those who are not like him pardoned. Kyle, live in a silent in which appearances are everything, with a father away from him and some friends the most frivolous, can not think of anything but a joke on a girl in his class that looks like a witch. Kyle decides to invite the witch to a dance and then leaves her alone in front of everyone. The problem is that the girl turns out to be a real witch, and as punishment Kyle throws a curse, making him bald, ugly with scars, wounds and tattoos all over his body, and gives the only condition to return to normal that a girl say "I love you" with sincerity within a year. The poor boy is the world comes up and finds his salvation in one of the companions of school, Lindy, which has barely spoken in three years.
The film is quite faithful to the book, although not a perfect copy, the differences that merely makes the story better. To give some examples, I can say that Kyle's book becomes something like a werewolf, full of hair everywhere, so when people see it, is scary indeed, it is the key to the final scene book on the subway in New York, that the film not been developed since the appearance of Kyle actually not as scary as running, I'm one of those who still think with all the drawings and injuries, this handsome, well I must say that Lindy in the book is not very graceful to say, giving it more charm to the story, because I do not I drink that Vanessa Hudgens made of ugly lonely.
Something that if they are removed from the film and the book was very important, was charmed chat or supernatural creatures consisting of a small bear, a siren, a prince turned into a frog and I to be more Kyle came to talk about his problem, and thank God I have done, because the idea seemed a little silly and too unrealistic. Some scenes take place in different places with different details, but generally followed the book fairly.
This film is mostly romantic, a fairy tale with a modern twist, which crave the days when people wrote long letters, and even seemed to be romantic. There are really memorable scenes that leave you with hair-raising as the scene of the picture and the rose at the beginning of the film, in which you realize that long before Kyle would become a monster, and he wanted some Lindy shape.

Behold the-scene photo, those eyes and that little hand Kyle betrayed.
In the book the relationship between Kyle and Lindy was forging through the months they spent together, locked in the same house, and the movie have been able to save very well the problem temporarily, in a scene in which increasingly seen in the background as the landscape is changing season as they approach their chairs increasingly at each other, symbolizing the trust. Besides the romance, it is also the issue of relations between parents and children and discrimination on the physical, but in the book this last issue was gaining importance.
Kyle's character ends up being around a spell, is quite different because of its transformation, and you realize that deep down was not a bad person, the poor not to constantly screwed up while trying to impress Lindy and do things right, and it is adorable.
As noted, I have to point out both the blind tutor, which was pump in the book, and even more in the film, with its twisted humor and ironic humor makes the point of the tape, the other character is Kendra, the witch, with short interventions in the film is loaded with irony unfolds , poor amounts of milk and a super extravagant outfits, but in the end you also realize that it is not as bad as it seems.
Kendra Here is one of his many Modelistica super wearable.
Overall the film has been better than I expected, not a typical commercial product for teenagers, although it looks like in appearance, as it touches on some issues and some fibers that most of these films do not. The end of course, fairy tale and very sentimental, as it should, and I, with tissue in hand.
Alex Pettyfer in all its glory (which is great)
Of course I recommend the movie, it's really nice, so yes, those who abstain are not excessive or fanciful about romanticones like me.